WebHelpers2 %%%%%%%%%%% :Version: |release|, released 2024-02-06 :PyPI: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/WebHelpers2 :Docs: http://sluggo.scrapping.cc/docs/webhelpers2/2.1/ :Source: https://github.com/mikeorr/WebHelpers2 (Git) .. image:: _static/webhelpers-logo.png :width: 100px :height: 100px :alt: WebHelpers Logo :align: right **WebHelpers2** contains convenience functions and classes to make HTML tags, process text, format numbers, do basic statistics, work with collections, and more. It's the successor to WebHelpers_. **Version 2.1** fixes bugs and adds Python 3 support. The API and features are unchanged since 2.0. This version works on both Python 3 and 2. It was tested on Python 3.9, 3,10, 3,11, 3.12, and 2.7 on Linux, and should work on other platforms. **The next version** will drop Python 2 and older Python 3 versions. No new helpers or API changes are expected. Instead it will focus on updating the packaging and documentation. It may delete some helpers that now have equivalents in recent Python versions. For support/questions/patches, please use the pylons-discuss_ mailing list. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 install .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 contents .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 migrate newsfeeds/newsfeeds changelog third_party * :ref:`search` .. include:: include.rst