A signed "Life in Hell" cartoon by Matt Groening in Escape From New
York Pizza on 18th & Castro. (It has good pizza too.)
Here's a
double-size version if you
want to read it better, or be lazy and just read the text:
- JEFF: Hey, Akbar -- what say we mosey across the
street for a li'l ice-cream cone?
- AKBAR: But Jeff -- what about our diets?
JEFF: You're right. I'm so ashamed.
- JEFF: I don't really want an ice-cream cone.
What do I want?
- JEFF: I want my life to have meaning. I want an
end to suffering in the world.
- JEFF: I want to accomplish great things. I want
to be rich and famous.
- JEFF: I want to stay young. I want to see my
dead friends and family again. I want to live forever.
- JEFF: I want to be happy. I want my parents'
approval. I want you to know how much I love you and I'm sorry I
never had the nerve to tell you before.
- [Akbar and Jeff look at each other.]
- [Akbar in Jeff eat ice-cream cones. The author writes in red pen,
"To everyone at Escape From NY Pizza -- best wishes, good luck (?),
and extra cheese! Your pal, Matt Groenig."]
San Francisco, CA -- May 25, 2003
Copyright © 1999-2004 by
Mike (Sluggo) Orr