Good Media Links
Page updated 10-Dec-1999

A general timeline of events.

A Capitol Hill timeline, and the lessons of history.

You may note some discrepencies between my account and the timelines above. I wrote it as I saw it; they presumably did the same. In some cases, the first timeline collapses some events to have a fewer number of time entries, so that events listed together actually happened a few hours apart. But that hardly matters now. The first report also has a few more garbage can and Dumpster fires than I saw.

The Seattle Weekly currently has the best in-depth analyses.

The Seattle Times also has a bunch of stories and a photo gallery.

There was going to be a section of bad media quotes to complement this, but as more good articles are starting to appear this week (December 10, the week after), and as I have a stack of newspapers I don't want to go through now and find all those outrageous quotes again and transcribe them, I'll just let them die in obscurity.

I am told there are some web sites with better news coverage of WTO than the mainstream media, in particular the Seattle Independent Media Center. Since I don't normally websurf much, I haven't looked into other sites.